Dennis has a “positive and dynamic spirit”

R. Stroud, USAF, Lt Col Retired

I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. It was motivating, entertaining and educational. “YOU SIR ARE THERE!” Simply excellent/awesome and outstanding!

J. Fobish, SIU Student

I never thought about a personal mission statement. Thanks for planting the seed. Dennis, I wanted to add my kudos to the others. You were awesome. Thanks for the inspiration and good words. G. O’Connor. Executive Director, The Professionals

I want to take the time to say thank you for being par of the WWEE program and for the energy you used to instill within all of us the desire for excellence. To strive to be the best we can be is part of who I am. I really appreciate that quality in you. This class was informative as well as fun. You made all of us come out of our little worlds and in the process we grew in knowledge and gratitude to who and what we are able to accomplish. Thank you for taking time to read this letter. May God bless you and yours in the days to come. I pray that your next class will be as blessed as we feel we have been with this one. J. Rath, Washington Women’s Employment and Education

I’ve been trying to figure out a way to say this for a while now and I’m sorry I haven’t said it sooner but thank you for changing my life. …. I wanted to thank you personally because you never gave up on me once. Even when everyone else wanted me to go home and they thought I was a lost cause you always believed in me. No ones ever done that for me before. You gave me another chance after I had already blown the millions I was already given. I’ll never know why you did that but I’m thankful you did. My whole life I’ve been given up on and everyones always thought I was never going to change but you never thought that once of me … you’ve become someone whom I look up too the most. You’re one of the role models I took away …Thank you for always believing in me. Cadet Bergmann, Class 2010-1 | Washington Youth Academy | NGYCP

“… you brought an infectious energy and really engaged the class the entire quarter … Just  wanted to say that your enthusiasm and ability to engage the class is the main reason I was excited to have you has an educator again

Christopher H. | OLRM218 Systems Thinking for Leaders | OC

Dennis is an amazing trainer and all-round great human. I was fortunate to work at Skookum while he was on the training team, and his EI Training has always stuck with me. I would recommend him to anyone seeking the services his company offers.

Jennifer L. (colleague)

Dennis is a mastermind at understanding and helping individuals.”

Kyle E. (student)